Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No more Mrs. Nice Guy

I'm starting to think that people who are not nice and compassionate are actually happier than those who are. Spending too much energy caring about others seems to take its toll on one's own happiness. If true altruism were possible, maybe nice people could be happy, but I think that we all eventually need something back. Maybe teenagers have it right with their all-about-me attitudes. They have self-absorption down to a science. I am going to take some lessons from my two wonderful, self-absorbed teenagers on how to only care about me, and how I feel, and what's good for me. I truly find this behavior loathesome, but it seems to work for them. The caring, compassionate route is leaving me feeling needy and sad. I know that seems counterintuitive, but there really seems to be evidence that being "too nice" is a liability.


I have come to the conclusion that texting is dangerous business. The opportunity to be misinterpreted is too great. If you decide to compose an email you will probably choose your words carefully, mull them over for a bit, and reread them at least once before pressing Send. Texting is too close to talking, but it allows for a lack of inhibition that could be somewhat healthy in a face to face dialogue. So much is lost in translation through a text. There is no context. Therefore, words and feelings are quickly misconstrued. I'm not saying that I will depart "cold turkey" from my texting addiction, but I will definitely be more cautious, and I will take that moment to read and contemplate before sending.